Ian Luckraft - Software Engineer

Can I run a sub 5 minute mile

May 21, 2020
5 Minute Mile

A couple of times I’ve thought about trying to get my best 1 mile below 5 minutes but never dedicated time to it, I’ve always moved on to doing some other training. The other evening I gave it a go to see what I’m currently capable of. My best is currently 5:27.8 and this test came in at 5:28.8. Encouraged by this I think I’m going to give this a go over the coming months and see if I can get it under 5 minutes or if not how close I can get. ...

Adapt Learning Hello World Plugin

May 1, 2020
Adapt, Adapt Plugin

This tutorial will not go into depth about some of the code used. The idea is to give an overview of creating a basic Adapt plugin that will output some static text. The plugin code can be downloaded from gitHub{.aioseop-link}. The Adapt framework comes with a good selection of components to help you build your e-learning course, then added to this are the contributed plugins{.aioseop-link}. But what if there isn’t quite the thing you need? ...

Adapt Authoring Tool Hello World Part 4: Adding assessment results

May 1, 2020
Adapt, Adapt Authoring Tool, elearning

Now that we have a course setup and the user can answer some questions and get feedback we’ll add an assessment result to let them now how they did. In the Adapt Authoring Tool go into our Hello World course and then choose Manage extensions from the left menu. In the Manage extensions page click the green Add button to the right of Assessment. You should now have two enabled extensions ...

Adapt Authoring Tool Hello World Part 3: Adding questions

April 29, 2020

If you’ve been following on from the previous post you will be on the Page Structure page, if not then from the dashboard double click on the Hello World course, then from the Course structure page double click on the Take the test and say “Hello World” page. You’ll now be back on the Course structure page. Double click on the page box which is now labelled Take the test and say “Hello World! ...

Adapt Authoring Tool Hello World Part 2: Course creation and introductory text

April 29, 2020
Adapt, Adapt Authoring Tool, elearning

As I mentioned in the overview page I won’t be covering the installation of the Adapt Authoring Tool as the documentation{.aioseop-link} covers it thoroughly. With the Authoring Tool started navigate to the Dashboard which will probably be at http://localhost:5000 if you have followed the installation defaults. If this is the first time starting it up the Dashboard will be blank.Click the green Add new course button in the top left. ...

Adapt Authoring Tool Hello World Part 1: Storyboard

April 29, 2020
Adapt, Adapt Authoring Tool, elearning

Like most development that requires logic, whether this is created through code or a user interface, it’s best to have a plan of what you will be producing rather than diving in and ending up with a result that is hard to maintain. Even though this elearning course is fairly simple we’ll create a storyboard to refer to throughout its creation. For this I have used Pages and exported it as a PDF. ...

Adapt Authoring Tool Hello World

April 29, 2020
Adapt, Adapt Authoring Tool, elearning

I’ve created a small series of blog posts showing how you can create a simple Adapt elearning course using the Adapt Authoring Tool{.aioseop-link}. These posts assume you have already installed the Authoring Tool. If you have not then please follow the very comprehensive installation instructions{.aioseop-link}. To start off we will create a storyboard{.aioseop-link} that will guide our development of the course. Further posts will cover Creating the course with introductory text{. ...

Arduino Indoor Outdoor Temperatures

April 14, 2020
API, Arduino

There has been many times that I’ve left the house and noticed the difference in temperature between inside and outside my home. I thought a fun project would be to combine an Arduino reading the inside temperature and the outside temperature. I had a couple ideas on how to do this. The first involved two Arduinos, one inside and one outside, both using TMP36 sensors to monitor the temperatures. The second was a single Arduino inside that recorded the temperature using the sensor and then using the Open Weather Map API{. ...

When to use a custom search solution

January 22, 2019

This post also appears on the Headscape site. Website search can often be a thorny subject. Expectations of search capabilities have been set very high by search engines. The default search offered by content management systems (CMSs) is often a bit basic by comparison. For example, the results are often not the most relevant to the search term used because the CMS is only offering a simple “does this page contain this word” method. ...