
Arduino Indoor Outdoor Temperatures

April 14, 2020
API, Arduino

There has been many times that I’ve left the house and noticed the difference in temperature between inside and outside my home. I thought a fun project would be to combine an Arduino reading the inside temperature and the outside temperature. I had a couple ideas on how to do this. The first involved two Arduinos, one inside and one outside, both using TMP36 sensors to monitor the temperatures. The second was a single Arduino inside that recorded the temperature using the sensor and then using the Open Weather Map API{. ...

My first day with an Arduino MKR GSM 1400

December 12, 2017

I have a project in mind that needs internet connectivity but I won’t have access to WiFi so when I saw the Arduino MKR GSM 1400 with it’s GSM capability I thought I could use it to send my data over 3G. Before I get to trying anything like that this is my experience using it for the first time. Where do I put the SIM Card # I already had a SIM Card from GiffGaff to use I just needed somewhere to put it. ...

I’ve got an Arduino kit

December 21, 2011

I recently found out about Arduino an open-source electronics prototyping platform – as described on the website. It’s basically a circuit board which can have components connected to it and then “sketches” can be uploaded to the board to control how it operates. The basics, which I am working through this Christmas, are controlling LEDs but if you have a Google or YouTube there are some really impressive projects. I’ve never really dabbled with electronics before but this looks a lot of fun. ...