Google Maps

Google Maps V3 and Geolocation

April 13, 2011
Web Development
Geolocation, Google Maps

In this post I will show how to create a map using Google Maps API V3 and the using browser geolocation we will add a marker to the user’s position. The finished product can be seen at Let’s get started. Create a basic HTML document We need to add a div that will later contain our map. Between the opening and closing body tags place a div with an id of map. ...

URBANE Project launched

May 11, 2010
My work, Web Development
CodeIgniter, Google Maps, jQuery

The URBANE project is a study of urban coastal defences. The website provides information about the project and those involved. The partners page has a Google map linked to an unordered list that acts as dual functionality to view more details on the partners. The overlay effect that I wrote for the partners list is utilised again in the image galleries. The site is built on HTML5 with some subtle use of CSS3. ...

Google Maps

January 8, 2010
Web Development
Google Maps, Web Development

A lot of the sites we do in work involve using a Google map, some are simple and just allow the user to choose a spot which populates input fields for latitude and longitude. Others contain large data sets and information about the point, which is normally displayed in one of the Google map bubbles. Using our standard library code for implementing a map and allowing the user to pick a latitude / longitude point IE6 was only displaying a grey background with the Google copyright. ...