
Shop Talk Answer

August 11, 2012

I recently discovered Shop Talk, a live web design and development podcast by Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert. So I’ve been listening to the old episodes and in episode 9 with Ethan Marcotte. Andy Howells from the UK asked a question ,which is 15:38 into the episode. He asked about an eCommerce site that could have twenty four additional images of a product and rightly expressed concerns about page load speed on mobile devices over slow network connections. ...

I’m off to Future of Web Apps 2012

July 28, 2012

This year I’m lucky enough to be attending Future of Web Apps London 2012. I’ve been to Future of Web Design before and found it hugely inspirational so I have expectations for it’s more technical sibling. I’m looking forward to # Jeffrey Zeldman – Obviously a major influence in the web world and I’ve heard he is an amazing speaker. Bruce Lawson – I’ve seen Bruce speak at FOWD and he is very engaging as a speaker and I admire his honesty and openness on standards. ...

A little work for Sugar Shoes

January 10, 2012

A recently got to do a small bit of work with an old friend from university. We both did the Surf Science & Technology course at Plymouth Uni and have since independent got into the world of building websites. Made By Richard had a client, Sugar Shoes, using Tradingeye e-commerce platform. I’d never used Tradingeye before and found the documentation a bit sparse . I only had to implement functionality to change the text on the homepage as well as upload new images for an image slider on the homepage and with a bit of poking around I got my head around how the system work. ...

I’ve got an Arduino kit

December 21, 2011

I recently found out about Arduino an open-source electronics prototyping platform – as described on the website. It’s basically a circuit board which can have components connected to it and then “sketches” can be uploaded to the board to control how it operates. The basics, which I am working through this Christmas, are controlling LEDs but if you have a Google or YouTube there are some really impressive projects. I’ve never really dabbled with electronics before but this looks a lot of fun. ...

Marine Biological Association website relaunched

October 26, 2011

I recently redesigned and coded the website for the Marine Biological Association. I designed the site mobile first as I feel this makes sense to start with the linear nature of a webpage and it’s elements and then see where these elements can best be focused as the screen size increases. The site also uses responsive design techniques with a fluid grid. I found Responsive Web Design by Ethan Marcotte had some useful techniques in it and also the templates from the 978 Grid System to calculate layout widths. ...

Tom Frankham Imagery

March 21, 2011

Tom is a talented young photographer and designer form Plymouth. Lately he has been working for Prime Delux, who’s online store I developed, taking photos for them and also dealing with the admin side of the store. The images he has added to the site have really improved the overall look and feel as well as giving the user a better view of the products. You can check out his improved portfolio site at http://www. ...

Free 978.gs psd grid templates

February 28, 2011
design, grids, layout, photoshop, templates

I was impressed with the flexibility of the responsive design demo shown at http://978.gs/demo/ So I decided to make some simple psd files with guides and a grid overlay folder for each of the layouts. Now all I have to do is implement it on my site. And I’d like to share them with you. Download the templates

JC Surf now provides Stormrider Guides

December 13, 2010

JC Surf has been updated with The Stormrider Guides. Often referred to as The Surfer’s Bible the guides are often an essential part of planning and partaking in a surf trip to some of the premier spots around the world. If you are interested in stocking the guides then get in touch with JC.

Typekit now installed

September 3, 2010

I’ve now signed up for a Typekit account and have used Ligurino on this site for it’s clean lines. The interface for choosing and adding fonts is fantastic and very very user friendly. The fonts look great on a Mac although there does seem to be a few rendering issues on Windows. I’d be especially keen to use this for logos or headings as the larger font sizes seem to display the best. ...