October 20, 2017
I’ve been using ReactJS as I have been exploring Headless / Decoupled Drupal and have so far found it to be very nice to work with. However, as I am not overly familar with it I’ve found myself looking up lots of things to ensure I’m doing it “the React way”. This has meant I’ve been doing more React learning than I have Drupal learning.
My solution is to go back to an existing Drupal 7 project where I have a custom piece of search functionality and replicate it using JSON feeds provided by Drupal and a ReactJS frontend.
March 4, 2015
This post also appears on the Headscape site as part of our blog.
During my teens and twenties I spent a lot of time skateboarding. It’s quite a unique sport in the way it influences your life as a whole. For example, you begin to look at architecture in a new creative way. You also fall over, a lot.
In fact you get really good at falling over: jump down ten steps roll across the concrete, hop up and do it again.
February 1, 2015
Paul Boag has recently posted an article titled “Do people see you as a roadblock?” that includes some very nice mentions about me. So in a shameless act of self promotion I’m going to link to it.
You can read the article at https://boagworld.com/dev/do-people-see-you-as-a-roadblock/
October 8, 2011
I recentley discovered a new CMS called Fuel. It is based on the PHP framework CodeIgniter and I feel it has huge potential.
Below is a post I added to the Fuel forums on why Fuel differs from other CMS systems.
When I start a project I tend to go for WordPress if a need a general blog / CMS and then if the project is a little more bespoke I will go for CodeIgniter.
April 13, 2011
In this post I will show how to create a map using Google Maps API V3 and the using browser geolocation we will add a marker to the user’s position. The finished product can be seen at http://ianluckraft.co.uk/demonstrations/google-maps-v3-and-geolocation.php
Let’s get started.
Create a basic HTML document
We need to add a div that will later contain our map. Between the opening and closing body tags place a div with an id of map.
January 17, 2011
I’ve done some reading about hyphens vs underscores in urls and personally I prefer hyphens. I find it seems to keep the words separate where as a underscores seem to join them together in my eyes.
PHP functions don’t allow hyphens in their name so I have to use underscores.
To solve this in CodeIgniter, so the correct function name is found from the uri segment, only one simple change needs to be made.
December 21, 2010
The website for the MARINEXUS project is approaching a launch date which should be before the Christmas break.
In anticipation I created a new holding page to makes things that little more interesting.
The website will be developed in the new year to run from WordPress to allow users to adjust the content and add news and events when the project hits full swing.
August 30, 2010
The JC Surf site I worked on recently has added Discovery Surf Media to the products John can provide access to.
Discovery Surf are a local company who are now making it big in the wider surf industry with their instructional DVD series.
August 27, 2010
The new version of the MarLIN Recording Blog has gone live today.
MarLIN, The Marine Life Information Network, has an activity community of recorders who submit sightings of marine life through the MarLIN website.
The blog, built on WordPress, will be updated with interesting and unusual sightings as well as information from MarLIN events.
The blog also updates the MarLIN Twitter account when a new post is added or edited.
July 22, 2010
Based in London Lilly & Day provide garden and landscape design.
Working with designer Random Badger the site is built on WordPress allowing the client to make updates to text or upload new portfolio images.
The portfolio gallery uses a jQuery plugin Galleria to improve the user experience progressively for those that are able to use javascript.