October 20, 2017
I’ve been using ReactJS as I have been exploring Headless / Decoupled Drupal and have so far found it to be very nice to work with. However, as I am not overly familar with it I’ve found myself looking up lots of things to ensure I’m doing it “the React way”. This has meant I’ve been doing more React learning than I have Drupal learning.
My solution is to go back to an existing Drupal 7 project where I have a custom piece of search functionality and replicate it using JSON feeds provided by Drupal and a ReactJS frontend.
October 4, 2017
I’ve been lucky enough to attend DrupalCon Dublin and DrupalCon Vienna, at both of these events there has been a lot of talk about Headless / Decoupled Drupal and in particular using a JavaScript framework as a frontend for your site.
Since then Dries has followed up with a blog post confirming that there will be attempts to include the React Framework in core. Inspird by this I decided to start trying out Headless / Decouple Drupal.
October 4, 2017
The installation of a minimal Drupal setup is very quick and easy. From there I enabled a few modules and a theme to help me create some data.
Modules enabled Field UI Image Views View UI RESTful Web Services I also installed the Devel module to help with dummy content population of my content type Article.
A common function of a website is to list content in an order, newest items or most relevant, and paginate this list.
June 27, 2016
Recently at Headscape we were setting up a new server ready to launch a redesign of a site. Whilst testing we were accessing the site using the server’s IP address which works fine for checking everything is working, apart from when we needed to install the SSL certificate.
The SSL certificate is based on a domain name so going to an IP address causes the SSL certificate to warn of an insecure connection.
June 17, 2015
At Headscape we use TeamCity as our Continuous Integration server and I recently came across an error when trying to build Drupal Commerce Kickstart.
The main parts of the error message were
Failed to build patch for build... due to error: 'build patch' command failed.
stderr: The repository has a submodule in the commit '77b28273d1ebb08fd03ee254bbb20b6b476d16ec' at a path 'profiles/commerce_kickstart/libraries/jquery.bxslider', but has no .gitmodules configuration at the root directory
To fix this I needed a list of the submodules which I found using a command given in this Stack Overflow thread
March 4, 2015
This post also appears on the Headscape site as part of our blog.
During my teens and twenties I spent a lot of time skateboarding. It’s quite a unique sport in the way it influences your life as a whole. For example, you begin to look at architecture in a new creative way. You also fall over, a lot.
In fact you get really good at falling over: jump down ten steps roll across the concrete, hop up and do it again.
February 1, 2015
Paul Boag has recently posted an article titled “Do people see you as a roadblock?” that includes some very nice mentions about me. So in a shameless act of self promotion I’m going to link to it.
You can read the article at https://boagworld.com/dev/do-people-see-you-as-a-roadblock/
May 15, 2014
I’ve been using Codeception for some acceptance testing recently. The project has a large database and using the standard Codeception database module that rebuilds the entire DB from an SQL dump was too slow.
All I needed to do was run a few queries to put some tables into a known state. I made a helper module that will run all .sql files in a directory.
I’ve put the DbHelper on Github and hopefully it will be useful for others.
January 4, 2014
At Headscape we were recently contacted by Brian Lewis from Modules Unraveled Podcast to see if we would like to appear on the show to discuss our use of Drupal.
It was really great to have a chat with Brian and there were a few questions sent in by Twitter users who were watching the live stream.
You can listen to episode 90 on the Modules Unraveled website.
February 25, 2013
I have been working for The Marine Biological Association for close to five years now but the time has come to move on. I’m very proud to say I will be working for Headscape where I’m sure I will learn lots and continue to progress as a developer.
In the five years since I started the web and my skills have progressed exponentially. It’s been fun and nostalgic to talk about the early days and see how far the sites and applications have come since I began working with the MBA.